Phänomenologie der digitalen Welt

Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung

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Hannah Arendt et Jan Patočka

la relation entre la philosophie et le monde

Xavier Bériault

pp. 137-154


This essay will explore the respective philosophical positions of Jan Patočka and of Hannah Arendt regarding the question of the relationship between philosophy and the world. Having both studied under Husserl and Heidegger, their differences on this problem are at least as interesting as their common points of view. Both Arendt and Patočka are convinced that the rupture of the metaphysical tradition of philosophy provides an opportunity to think anew the relation between philosophy and the world. It is thus on this trail of thought that we follow Arendt and Patočka.

Publication details

Published in:

(2011) AUC Interpretationes 1 (1).

Seiten: 137-154


Bériault Xavier (2011) „Hannah Arendt et Jan Patočka: la relation entre la philosophie et le monde“. AUC Interpretationes 1 (1), 137–154.