Phänomenologie der digitalen Welt

Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung

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It seems fair to say that the marriage between phenomenological thinking and architectural theory has been a happy one. Perhaps more than in any other discipline, phenomenology—both its methods and its writings—has been welcomed with enthusiasm by architectural theorists and practitioners alike. A phenomenological impetus has influenced reflection about the experience of architectural space, about the role of the various senses in our perception of the built world, and, importantly, about the question of what it means for human beings to inhabit the world.

Publication details

Published in:

(2018) Husserl Studies 34 (3).

Seiten: 297-304

DOI: 10.1007/s10743-018-9230-y


van de Vijver Jasper (2018) „J. Dodd, Phenomenology, architecture and the built world“. Husserl Studies 34 (3), 297–304.