Phänomenologie der digitalen Welt

Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung

Repository | Series | Buch | Kapitel


An analysis of causality

Aleksandar Kron

pp. 159-182


The basic aim of this paper is to give a brief sketch of a formal theory of causal relations. More precisely, our aim is (a) to show how the language of the first-order predicate logic can be applied to an analysis of this kind and (b) to discuss some both technical and philosophical aspects of such an analysis.

Publication details

Published in:

Manninen Juha, Tuomela Raimo (1976) Essays on explanation and understanding: studies in the foundations of humanities and social sciences. Dordrecht, Springer.

Seiten: 159-182

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-1823-4_9


Kron Aleksandar (1976) „An analysis of causality“, In: J. Manninen & R. Tuomela (eds.), Essays on explanation and understanding, Dordrecht, Springer, 159–182.