Phänomenologie der digitalen Welt

Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung

Repository | Zeitschrift | Band | Artikel


A Peircean approach to "information" and its relationship with Bateson's and Jablonka's ideas

João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)Claus EmmecheCharbel Niño El-Hani

pp. 75-94

Publication details

Published in:

(2008) Biosemiotics. The American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3).

Seiten: 75-94

DOI: 10.5840/ajs2008241/36


Queiroz João, Emmeche Claus, Niño El-Hani Charbel (2008) „A Peircean approach to "information" and its relationship with Bateson's and Jablonka's ideas“. The American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3), 75–94.