Phänomenologie der digitalen Welt

Sommerschule der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Forschung

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Francesca De Vecchi

A priori of the law and values in the social ontology of Wilhelm Schapp and Adolf Reinach


Francesca De Vecchi

in: The phenomenological approach to social reality, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Three types of heterotropic intentionality


Francesca De Vecchi

in: Institutions, emotions, and group agents, Dordrecht : Springer

Open Access Link

Eidetica e normatività in Edmund Husserl


Francesca De Vecchi

in: The value of truth, the truth of value, Milano : LED

"Platonismo sociale"?


Francesca De Vecchi

Rivista di estetica 50

Open Access